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1. Bold Promise
2. Hook to End
3. Command Attention
4. Qualify Yourself
5. Future Pace


– Encourage Dreams
– Justify Failures
– Reduce Fears
– Confirm Suspicions
– Throw Rocks at Enemies

6. Secret 1
7. Secret 2
8. Secret 3


The Closes:

One Hour, One Day?

Let Me Ask You A Question

The Stack

Example: Transition #1) We can’t cover everything in an hour… let alone a day… you need more. I’m excited to make an offer for you where you can get it all!Example: Transition #2) Let me ask you a questions… would you like my help implementing this? Example: This is the core flow to your close.

If / All’s

Example: If all this did was help you to (move away from pain)… would it be worth it? If all this did was help you to (move towards pleasure)… would it be worth it?

Money Is Good

Example: Money is just a tool for exchange… you spend money to get something greater in return…

Disposable Income

Example: Shifting your disposable income from liabilities to assets… spend it on something that will bring you long term fulfillment.

Money Replenishes

Example: Money is a tool for exchange… you spend money to get something greater in return…

Break Old Habits

Example: If we leave now, you’ll slip back to your old habits… If you want change, you need repeated exposure – the full system.f

Information Alone?

Example: You can’t rely on information alone… you need coaching, accountability, etc…

Money or Excuses?

Example: You’re either good at making money, or making excuses, but you can’t do both.
Your 2 Choices

Example: My choice – go cheap and sell as many as possible… or more expensive so we could devote more resources to you.

Their 2 Choices

Example: 1st – settle with what you have now and keep getting what you’re getting now. 2nd – make a small investment, give it a shot – if it works, awesome. If not, then get your $ back.

Us VS Them

Example: The brave buyer vs the scared dabbler…

The Hand Hold

Example: Let me show you how to sign up right now.. first…

Say Goodbye

Example: After you have these in your hands, you can say goodbye to _____. And when you have ___, then you can say goodbye to _____.

Now & Later

Example: This is your life now (paint picture of pain) and this is what it could be…

Only Excuses

Example: Explain their excuse for not signing up, then diffuse it… use the 2-3 most common excuses.

Reluctant Hero

Example: Example: I’m nothing special, yet look at what I was able to do…

If You Only Got

Example: If I stopped right here, and you only got just this, it would still be worth it, but you are also getting ___ and ___.

Close Close

Example: Your last CTA.

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