Referral Source Tips: How To Create A Referral Marketing System

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Referral Sources: How do you create a SYSTEM so that you consistently get referrals no matter what else is going on?  Simple – keep reading and apply this Referral Marketing technique

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Referral Sources: How to Create a Referral System

Estimated Time: One Hour
Create a form for every new client to fill out when signing up for your service offer them a discount of they fill out the entire form:
Help people locate the referrals for you.  Ask them “Who do you know who _____? (and fill in the blanks for as many different groups of people and scenarios as possible to jog their memory)

Referral Sources: Create a list for your clients:
People They Normally Interface With:
* Association members (Fraternal, social, industry, charity, or interest based.)
* Church members.
* Competitors (and former).
* Customers (and former).
* Employees (and former).
* Friends.
* Go through their Rolodex or personal telephone listing directory and get them to tell you about each person
* Leaders or celebrities who your prospects admire, respect and/or trust (Such as Tony Robbins, Fran Tarkington, Vie Conant, Denis Waitley, Tom Phillips, Michael Jordan, etc.)
* Listing of businesses they expect to use
* Magazines editors, writers for publications.
* Neighbors.
* Other businesses and professionals who your prospects trust in
* Other businesses and professionals who your prospects trust outside
* Others you can suggest to them based on your knowledge of their activities.
* Prospects who did not convert.
* Prospects.
* Relatives.
* Someone who comes in your office.
* Someone who has bought something (Such as a house, a car, a pet, a boat, a
* Someone who has gotten divorced (or is planning to).
* Someone who has gotten married, (or is planning to).
* Someone who has had a child (or is planning to).
* Someone who has had a death in the family,
* Someone who has just moved.
* Someone who has just remodeled their house (or is planning to),
* Someone who has retired (or is planning to).
* Someone who has sold something (Such as a house, a car, a boat, a home entertainment center, a computer, a business, a building, etc.
* Someone who wants to buy or sell something,
* Someone whose children have grown up and moved out or are planning to.
* Someone you meet in professional circles.
* Special interest groups (Cigars, travel, music, whale watching, etc.)
* Vendors (and former).

Referral Sources – Conclusion:

When you adapt, adopt and implement the successful referral systems that other businesses have used to rapidly expand their business – into
your system for getting referrals – you can propel yourself above your competition.
If you need help creating these referral actions give us a call.
We have seen people use just 10% of these methods and get a tremendous result. You don’t have to do all of them. You just need a SYSTEM in place.
How you can add this to your businesses three Draft Referral Checklists? How can you implement this in your business to propel you past your competition?

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Referral Sources

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