Animation programs typically emphasize a blend of traditional 2D animation and computer generated 3D design skills. Areas of concentration or specialization for 3D design include modeling, background design, compositing and animation. If you need animation work done,...
You may want to bookmark this page (Control+D on a PC or Command+D on a MAC) in case you need to look at the different versions on Google Maps – I’ll show you the direct URL’s to view Google Maps in different ways. I’ll show you old google maps...
Website designers are approaching information design differently and designing simple, interactive websites which incorporate advancements in Web interface design, current Web philosophies, and user needs. Information design for the New Web is simple, it is social,...
Freelance Graphic design is a visually communicative bridge between message and audience. Graphic design is a form of communication that conveys a specific message to specific audiences through the means of words and type, images and other graphic elements and layout....
Maya is a high-end 3D application that enables the user to create highly realistic images using the various tools provided by the software. The software allows you to create images in 3D format. Maya is also known for its fluid effects. This element of the software...