A Word About Video Production

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Video production can be difficult to understand and coordinate sometimes. There are certain factors that you need to consider when outsourcing your production. Learning a little about each of these factors will better prepare you to communicate with video production companies as well as help you to manage your expectations of the production.

End Use

The most important part of planning video productions is identifying your real end use. Whether planning a corporate video production or commercial production, a lot of ventures are highly optimistic in this regard. Most video productions do not see broadcast. Having said that, if you actually have a budget and a campaign strategy or a true anticipated use for your production in the broadcast realm, by all means proceed as though your final product requires broadcast quality.

If there is a great likelihood however that your production is to be for demo use or internet use only, be honest with your producer. This will allow for better planning and a great deal of savings with your video production service.


End use directly influences the quality and resolution parameters of your production. There are many resolutions available. You may also capture your production on film or in digital format. Again, being honest with yourself and your producer is very important here.

Some producers, directors more so, will automatically recommend film. Film, especially 35mm, is one of the most expensive options available. While film is very lovely to look at, for most practical applications, it is indistinguishable from digital video production. Most family homes are converting to high definition televisions, but standard definition productions are still viable for the immediate future, especially for local commercial projects.

Also there is a certain faux HD format known as HDV. This resolution is definitely adequate for many local productions and, with professional post work, national campaigns.


You must also be realistic with your turnaround expectations. Format factors into this as well. For example, editing a video for web shot on HDV tape will be much faster than editing a commercial for national broadcast shot in HD.

Also the extensiveness of the production must not be underestimated. If the concept is lofty and requires a great amount of preproduction, coordination and building, your production will suffer a much longer timetable. The more prepared you are, the quicker your production will run. The more specific you are with your requirements, the more accurate your production time quote will be.


Though there is somewhat of an industry standard, rates will vary across the board. Lower bids can mean lower quality and higher bids can mean high gross gouging, but there are many exceptions. The best approach to take is to review your potential production company’s previous work.

If you like the quality and are happy with their approximation of a timetable for your production, then it is fair to evaluate the cost of their services against the recoupment of your investment. Most worthwhile, independent firms have their own intelligent ways of reducing cost in their productions and are happy to pass the savings onto you to build their reputation and client base.


A video production studio needs to be innovative, not only creatively, but fiscally. Although it may be impressive to some to wave your hands in an advertising client’s face and narrate an epic tale of marketing genius as you conjure up invisible images of their brand spreading throughout the global atmosphere, but finding ways to save money while saving concept and quality, that takes true skill.

Though it may be a hassle to reassess the initial urge to follow the flashiest path of least resistance, sometimes a comparable end result can be obtained through alternative, less costly means with a little extra effort and ingenuity. An easy example of this is the use of computer graphics imaging to replicate thousands and thousands of unpaid virtual extras and potentially budget-busting sets and landscapes. But there are many, many ways to operate smarter on any production, ultimately bringing more value to the client.

Video production and video production editing are intricate processes that obviously involve more than knowing your end use, quality requirements, timetables and budget constraints. Having a deeper understanding of your project goals will benefit you tremendously. Taking the extra time in the beginning will save you grief in the end. And then after considering all of the factors involved, you will be able to select the perfect video production company for your project.

For more information, see also: Video Production and Video Production Companies.

Author: James Haleman
Article Source: EzineArticles.com
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