Best Infographic – 50 Great SEO Reasons for INFOGRAPHICS!

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This is an amazing Infographic – 50 Great Reasons to use Viral INFOGRAPHICS.

Just how viral can an infographic go? Check Out this infograph of Infographics – I bet you have never seen one like this…

PR Newswire reports that a study of releases on their wire service shows that:

  •  Adding a photo or an image increases views of the release by 14%.

  •  Adding a video gives you a 28% increase in views.

  •  Make that an image and a video and you’ll get a 48% boost in views.

  •  Go all the way and put in a photo, a video, a graphic and a download and you’ll see a 78% jump in the number of views!

Okay so if I add a VIDEO, IMAGE + INFOGRAPHIC and a DOWNLOAD – I’ll get 78% MORE VIEWS?

I’m sure they have to be good quality. But yeah, that is

what the survey said…


Infographics Designers

InfoGraphic Designers – World Class Media


Here is the list if you want to share it – you can:

1. Infographics Are  a fairly cheap and easy way to promote themselves.
2. Infographics Are all around us in the media, education, the workplace, and even in road signs.
3. Infographics Are clearly displayed visual or graphic representation of straight-forward and interesting data.
4. Infographics Are beautiful to look at, easy to understand, and shareable.
5. Infographics Are cool and the visual aspect of them definitely makes it easier to communicate much clearer and faster in a very fun way.
6. Infographics Are super handy to pitch to media, pitch to blogs, share on your own social properties, share with customers…
7. Infographics Are highly collected and shared in social media because they are interested content to share with followers and fans.
8. Infographics Are a great creatively challenging outlet that let you put your creative skills to a test by pitting them against your analytical ones.
9. Infographics Are aesthetically pleasing images that take topics that have intrinsically large amounts of data and information and compress them into a format that is easy to understand for everyone.
10. Infographics Are often considered the most stunning and sharable way to get a message out.
11. Infographics Are massively important communication tools, particularly early in the buying cycle where a prospect is in the process of information gathering and learning about a business’s products/solutions/propositions.
12. Infographics Are also a proven way to jump-start the “viral” process online.
13. Infographics Are simply much more likely to be spread across Twitter, on Facebook, and on blogs than traditional forms of content creation.
14. Infographics Are as eye-catching as the imagery in a great advertisement, but ten times more informative.
15. Infographics Are easy to share and simple to display; even better, they give your audience the information they need in a fraction of the time it would normally take to get it.
16. Infographics Are overwhelmingly popular because they make dry, data-driven stories fun.
17. Infographics Are such a big deal right now, jumping on this bandwagon is a good idea.
18. Infographics Are an excellent method for enterprises who want to increase their brand presence.
19. Infographics Are a type of data visualization combining graphics and information to develop an idea.
20. Infographics Are used for anything from road signs to visual representations of the state of the economy.
21. Infographics Are definitely getting hot on the web these days.
22. Infographics Are a great new way to communicate information to your audience in a visually appealing way.
23. Infographics Are the trendiest way to put your point across in a different format, but unless you’re a dab hand with image manipulation software, you’ll find it hard to make a splash in an already crowded niche.
24. Infographics Are usually about 60 % words and 40% pictures – which makes them easy to grasp.
25. Infographics Are quite big in SEO at the moment, and this one gets the message across, as well as being original and eye catching.
26. Infographics Are employed to tell a story that is too tedious for words yet too complex for photos alone.
27. Infographics Are over 30 times more likely to be consumed than text articles.
28. Infographics Are very popular and are often shared in the blogosphere.
29. Infographics Are graphics combined with bar charts, tables, maps, organizational charts, family trees, timelines, flow charts, pyramids and more.
30. Infographics Are now BIG. In a world of information overload we need our data fast, easy, and in manageable chunks.
31. Infographics Are flashy and interesting, so they will help create “stickiness” on your websites.
32. Infographics Are visual representations of data, knowledge, concepts and information.
33. Infographics Are a great way to display information to kids in text books in a visual form.
34. Infographics Are one of the purest examples of graphic design that you’ll ever come across.
35. Infographics Are an easy and unique way to bring success to your business.
36. Infographics Are quite ancient; early humans, for example, made maps and other visual representations of their lives which can be seen today.
37. The core reason infographics are so versatile is based off their unique combination of amazing visuals with intriguing data.
38. The new breed of infographics are easy to consume, don’t require the time investment of a news article, and come nicely packaged in image format for easy distribution.
39. You’ll notice that infographics are very deliberate in how they use fonts. Generally, the best infographics are those that help people understand a complex set of data relevant to their industry.
40. Concepts – My favorite infographics are metaphors for ideas.
41. Group Infographics & Project Infographics are a popular form of web-based content.
42. From a marketing standpoint, infographics are a great way to spread brand awareness.
43. Sometimes Blogs are all text – making it difficult to share! Infographics are usually meant to be shared. They’re a great medium for linkbait, but too many times, marketers and bloggers make their infographics tough to share.
44. Infographics Are only usually successful if they provide content your audience is interested in and wants to share.
45. Whenever a person is unable to visit the scene of an event because of time pressure, licensing issues or safety problems, 3D Infographics are the most convenient tool to present relevant information in a moving image.
46. However, even before the reader begins reading the first paragraph, you can grab a reader’s attention with an attractive infographic.
47. Infographics Are visual explanations that allow you to easily communicate an idea, fact, or piece of content.
48. Real estate stats have the propensity to be rather boring. With that in mind I set out to find real estate information displayed in a graphically please way.
49. Infographics Are both informative and entertaining at the same time. While they have been around for awhile now,
50. I haven’t seen a collection of good real estate graphics in one post, something that happens in other industries quite frequently. So Info Graphics are great for that.
In 2021 and 2021, Infographs (AKA Data Visualization) or Infographics became one of the most interactive and “viral” forms of communication on the Internet! I have created one of the best Infographics on why you should use Infographics on your blog, press release, book, chart, or website in general.

As a note: World Class Media designs great Infographics and interactive blog posts daily for corporations and companies all over cyberspace –making everything from Maps and Tools to Templates for marketing – we also syndicate these posts to over 30 Social Media Networks at a time – thus creating a great many back-links. I hope you enjoyed this. Go ahead and share it!

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