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Step 1: Research Top 10 Keywords to Your Page:

Step 2: Google each keyword and copy the #1 headline & questions on each.

Then create your Ideal Article using this template:

Great Headline: [Keywords in front] i.e. “Keyword Keyword – Secrets Revealed”

[Insert Catchy Image]

Paragraph 1: What I got for you.

Paragraph 2: What It Is Going To Do For You: 

Paragraph 3: Who Am I? 

– Why are you someone they should listen to?

– Show your authority.  How long have you been in the industry?

Paragraph 4: Statistics from obviously credible sources

[Insert Video]

Paragraph 5: How To & Instructions.

Paragraph 4 – Add Authority to your articles.

– Why are you someone they should listen to?

– Show your authority.  How long have you been in the industry?

Paragraph 5 – You need to show that you care.

– Care about your readers. Show your care in this paragraph.

Paragraph 6: Add a Conclusion + Invite response with a question.

Ask your readers what they think about the topic.

[Insert Info-Graphic]

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