Email Marketing: How to Create a Viral Referral Email to Your Clients – Viral Referral Marketing Tip #6

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Email Marketing Template

Email Marketing Template

Email Marketing & Copy Writing

In today’s Viral Referral Marketing Tip, I’m going to give you a killer e-mail template for you to use to help gain Word of Mouth…
There are four types of businesses out there:

  1. People who take your money and don’t give back anything (Criminals).
  2. People who take your money and give back less. (Don’t retain clients)
  3. Those who give back an equal amount of service (most successful businesses).
  4. Those businesses that give back more than what you give them (This is the one that generates word of mouth).

Always try to be number 4, and give more than what people pay you for.
Your clients have to know that you give #4 or its pointless. You have to communicate the value you are giving your client. And they have to know the service you are giving them far exceeds other companies.
If you are not the one to help your client – who will? Someone who does a shoddy job, who doesn’t look out for their best interests, etc. You should know down to your core that you are doing your clients a favor by letting them do business with YOU.

Word of Mouth Stats:

  • 85% of fans of brands on Facebook recommend brands to others. (Syncapse)
  • 43% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it on social media. (Nielsen)
  • 77% of consumers are more likely to buy a new product when learning about it from friends or family. (Nielsen)
  • 81% of U.S. online consumers’ purchase decisions are influenced by their friends’ social media posts versus 78% who are influenced by the posts of the brands they follow on social media. (Market Force)
  • 79% of U.S. consumers who’ve “Liked” a brand on Facebook did so in order to receive discounts or other incentives. (Market Force)
  • 49% of U.S. consumers say friends and family are their top sources of brand awareness, up from 43% in 2021. (Jack Morton)


Email Marketing Template

Most people get it wrong. They beg for customers. A great way to get referral business that we’ve developed is to write a letter to your current customers, explaining that it’s a privilege for someone to be your customer. Not the other way around. Because it is right? or it should be.
Did you know that Word of Mouth is by far the most powerful source of advertising?
Dear [Client].
 I just wanted to say that I enjoy doing business with you more than any other clients I work with – and I realized that you associate with other amazing people, like yourself – friends and vendors who mirror your values and qualities.
 I’m writing as a service to alert you to the fact that my consulting practice is getting extremely full, and I’ll only be able to accept maybe a dozen or so more businesses.
 You obviously know the exact people I prefer working with that you’d like to extend to them the opportunity of referring your valued and trusted associates to you.
 I would prefer your referrals to any other source of customers or clients.
 For example: We helped [insert another client’s name] tremendously since they started with us [specifics – Help the customer or client see a clear picture of who in their lives could benefit most effectively, and naturally, from your services or products.]
 In fact you may know several businesses just like this…[Show them what that person or entity would be doing or buying right now—so that the picture is vivid]
 But before I accept new people from the outside, I want to alert you, because if you would like to refer any of your associates or friends to me, I’ll give you first priority. I ask only that you don’t dally.
 Give me a call and register their names so I’ll know how many spaces I should reserve for you. I appreciate your business.
CEO World Class Media


You may have heard the phrase: “Under-promise and over-deliver” – I’ll take it a step further and say “Under-promise and over-deliver – and make sure your client knows you are over-delivering”.
Try to always give more than what you promote. And always try to let your clients know that you are going the extra mile for them, because you could put in 1000 more hours than what you promise, but if the client doesn’t know or can’t see the results, then it’s pointless.
Speaking of over-delivering: Did you like this post? Did I give you some valuable info? If so, please share it for me and send it to your friends.
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