Importance of Keywords in Page Titles

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Your website is your identity in the virtual world. It is necessary to understand that the effectiveness of the website completely depends on the increased number of visitors to your website. These visitors can be converted in to sales which is the main objective of the website.

Websites, thus, are important marketing tools but to get the traffic onto your website you have to market your website in the first place. There are many ways to ensure traffic to your site. The most important of them however is to make sure of search engine optimization in your site. This means that your website is capable enough to appear in various searches on popular search engines.

One of the best ways is to make sure that your website is full of effective keywords. These keywords help you get picked up by Google so your website will pop up in the specific web searches to target your customer. The density of the keywords in the titles of the articles or web pages is very important because many visitors make a decision to click based on these titles alone.

Keywords in the titles:

Incorporating keywords in your title ensures that the search engine finds your site more effectively. Make sure that the title is not full of unwanted or insignificant words. It should be precise and the most meaningful keywords should be included in the titles. The keywords should be based on the flavour of the site and it should reflect the searches that the potential customers will be entering into a Google looking for the services or products provided by your website. The keywords should be arranged in accordance to their importance. It is not always necessary that the page title has to display the name of the site. It is sometimes more pragmatic to have a title that says more about the products or the services of the site. After all, the motive is to convert the visitors to sales. The visitors who come to the site in search of the products are more likely to buy them than inquisitive browsers who are just passing through the site.

Now, if you have a series of pages in your site then search engine optimisation must be done on all pages so they can be picked up by Google. This is mandatory because individual pages might have details or information that is required to make a sale.

One idea for a page on your site is to set up an interactive forum because forums often have appreciation or advice by former buyers and these can help trigger off future sales. Some forums register questions, the solutions to which can be part of the service of your site

Titles of each page should have important keywords that bring the essence of that particular page. This way even the individual pages could come up during searches and the purpose of the sale or lead generation will be satisfied.

Therefore, a keyword rich title is your best ally in getting the search engines to shovel web traffic towards your site.

My name is Sebastian Batiste I am a local Internet Marketing Expert specialising in SEO for small businesses. I have put together a cool FREE report ‘SEO for local business ‘ get it at – and for more cool SEO tips go to –

Author: Sebastian Jean-Batiste
Article Source:
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