CD Covers

CD Covers

CD Covers are printed on #100 Gloss Text (industry standard) with a single-panel front cover and a perforated inlay card. The outside is printed 4-color, and the inside can be 4-color, black-only, or blank. CD covers are a blast to make for yourself and friends. As...


CSS 3 is currently under development but won’t be finalized for a few more years.  CSS 3 is arguably the most eagerly anticipated specification in the works at W3C. We are looking forward to implementing it into our designs. CSS 3 promises to make it easier to...


HTML 5 is not very different from HTML 4. One of the basic ideas in the development of HTML 5 was to ensure backward compatibility and because of that HTML 5 is not a complete revamp of the HTML specification. HTML 5 is the next major version of HTML. It introduces a...
Flash Actionscript Programmer

Flash Actionscript Programmer

ActionScript is what gives Flash its power, but with that power comes a certain level of complexity, which can be intimidating. This beginners book, significantly updated since the last edition, covers all of the basics of ActionScript using the latest version of...


Photography is getting more and more advanced, and the motifs are getting ever cooler. There are no real boundaries with photography ever since we’ve had the computer as a tool to alter and retouch existing photographs into something that never really was. Photography...

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